Vodafone is the expert in connecting things
The Internet of Things is becoming mainstream, but Vodafone has been leading the way for more than a decade. James Pearce spoke to global CEO of enterprise Erik Brenneis about the operator’s IoT strategy
With all predictions claiming the internet of things (IoT) will see billions of additional connections added to mobile networks over the next few years, the opportunity for operators is clear. More data passing through a pipe can mean a lot more revenue. But market trends suggest the cost of data is falling, so how can operators best capitalise on the opportunity IoT presents?
“IoT hit the tipping point last year and has now became mainstream. Three or four years ago, we changed our division from M2M to IoT – M2M was a term that didn’t ever make it out of the industry, but IoT is in the mainstream. Most people understand that they might have connectivity in an electricity meter or in a car..”- Vodafone’s global CEO of enterprise, Erik Brenneis
Read the full article here.